Do not adjust the mirror …
This is the home page for the writings of Scott Virtes.
I’ve been writing fiction & poetry since I was a kid, and my first story was published in 1986. This page will give you pointers to all my stuff on the web, with the latest news about what I’m working on, and where my writing can be found.

I am building this new website in 2024, trying to gather all my past credits and info in one place, and it has been quite the quest, with 40 years of works to try and explain and index. Check out all the links in the top menu.
You can find more of my work on these sites:
- HitRecord
- DreamsTime
- deviantArt
- YouTube
- FictionMags Index
- ISFDB Index
- Zazzle
- My little Games page (lots of Minecraft stuff)
Cool milestones: in 1997 I wrote my 200th story. And in 1999 I wrote my 500,000th word of short fiction. Half a million words, and my fingers are still going. The human body is quite a miraculous thing. You’d think I’d be tired by now.