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- “nights of unlearning” in Everyday Weirdness (06/22/2010)
- “polar bears adrift” in Beyond Centauri (oct 2011)
- “spider/ice” in Beyond Centauri (oct 2011)
- “cats & dogs” in Spaceports & Spidersilk (2012)
- “good to the last diamond” in Hungur 14 (2012); Horror Zine (3/2015)
- “making a believer” in parABnormal (2012)
- “play the paradox” in Illumen (2012)
- “the wine of our thoughts” in Hungur 13 (2012)
- “Underdweller” in Mindflights (2012)
- “baby cosmos” in Andromeda Spaceways #54 (05/31/12)
- “sensory shockwave” in Illumen #17 (fall 2012)
- “All Eyes on Karen” in Found Patrick (7/13)
- “Cooling the Cranky” in Found Patrick (7/13)
- “Easter alone” in 2014 SoCal Haiku Study Group Anthology
- “finding a rhythm” in 2014 SoCal Haiku Study Group Anthology
- “summertime” in 2014 SoCal Haiku Study Group Anthology
- “Dark Brandy” in Trysts of Fate #2 (Aug 2014)
- “dark without us” in Trysts of Fate #2 (Aug 2014)
- “liminal moment” in Trysts of Fate #2 (Aug 2014)
- “crasher (w Kendall Evans)” in Dreams & Nightmares #99 (9/2014)
- “between cold stars” in Scifaikuest (Nov 2014)
- “heart of the matter” in Horror Zine (3/2015)
- “No Admittance” in Horror Zine (3/2015)
- “offspring” in Horror Zine (3/2015)
- “tasting the pier” in Starshipsofa podcast (2/17/2016)
- “the world we know (w Denise Dumars)” in Dreams & Nightmares (9/2017)
- “Nonlinear B (w Denise Dumars)” in Starline 42.1 (Winter 2019)
- “losing my religion” in Ilumen (Jan 2022)
- “off roading” in Ilumen (Jan 2022)
- “these are the moments” in Ilumen (Jan 2022)
- “wave pattern” in Ilumen (Jan 2022)
- “perchance” in Illumen (Winter 2023)
- “A Muse Defiant” in Illumen (Winter 2023)
- “a feeling remains” in Illumen (Winter 2023)
- “Lucy and the Elements” accepted by Star*Line for upcoming 2024 issue
- “wildflowers rise” accepted by Scifaikuest (Aug 2025)
- “where the job leads you” accepted by Dreams & Nightmares (upcoming 2024-25)