Fiction Credits


  1. “The Twist” in Not One of Us #1 (9/86); Alexandria Digital Lit (2/99); Year of the Twist (6/01); Dark Windows #23-24 (8/08);
  2. “Green Eyes” in 1130 Club #4/5 (12/86); Year of the Twist (6/01); Unfuture Chronicle (11/05); Read it here
  3. “My Vengeance Game” in New Blood (1986/never)
  4. “Patient Music” in Dark Starr (12/86); Year of the Twist (6/01); (12/01); Dark Windows #20 (6/08);
  5. “Squirrel #117” in Portents #2 (1/87); Year of the Twist (6/01);
  6. “The Twisted Will” in Writers Bloc v4#2 (1/87)
  7. “The Truth About Blisters” in G.A.S. #2 (1/87)
  8. “Sleepwalking” in The Haunted Journal (4/87?); (1/02);
  9. “Astral Sails” in Z Misc v1#2 (5/87); Year of the Twist (6/01); Black Satellite #1 (3/02); Read it here
  10. “Sandoth, Teller of Secrets” in Writers Bloc v4#4? (6/87); Year of the Twist (6/01);
  11. “A Touch of Blasphemy” in Nightmare Express #6 (8/87); Year of the Twist (6/01); Read it here
  12. “Rash Motivation” in Dark Starr (8/87); Year of the Twist (6/01);
  13. “Writers Games” in Ouroboros #8 (10/87); Alexandria Digital Lit (2/99); Year of the Twist (6/01);
  14. “The Devil Test” in The Haunted Journal (10/87)
  15. “The Lawsuit” in Green Feather (10/87?)
  16. “Conifer Dreams” in Z Misc (11/87)
  17. “A Quick Cure for Lycanthropy” in Doom & Despair (1987/never)
  18. “This Piece of Wind” in Weird Fiction Catalog #2 (c1988 never?); (12/01); Blank Spaces (2006)
  19. “The White City” in Horizons Beyond (c1988?); Year of the Twist (6/01);
  20. “The Box Thing” in Chaos (c1988,never); Dark Windows #22 (7/08);
  21. “A Quick Cure for Lycanthropy” in Doom & Despair (1988/never)
  22. “Terminal Headache” in Media Empire #4 (1988?)
  23. “My Vengeance Game” in New Blood (c1988,never)
  24. “One of Everything” in Panoply (1988/never); Year of the Twist (6/01);
  25. “The Voyager” in Other Worlds #1 (2/88); Alexandria Digital Lit (2/99)
  26. “Maze Curtains” in Eotu (4/88); Dark Windows #18+19 (5/08); Year of the Twist (6/01);
  27. “Johnny’s Thunder” in Portents #6 (5/88); Museweek (web, 10/95); Alexandria Digital Lit (2/99)
  28. “The Broken Guitar” in Dark Starr (6/88, not used)
  29. “Vegetaria” in Dark Starr (8/88)
  30. “Consumption” in New Penny Dreadfuls #1 (11/88); (web, 2/01); Year of the Twist (6/01); Hungur (2006); Dark Windows #15 (4/08);
  31. “The Cameraman” in Bone Chilling Tales #2 (1989?)
  32. “Blank Space” in Space & Time #76 (2/89); Blank Spaces (2006)
  33. “A Glimpse of the Abyss” in Night Slivers #2 (4/89); Dark Windows #40 (4/09);
  34. “Log Cabin” in Starsong #8 (7/89)
  35. “No One at the Bridge” in Speculative Fiction & Beyond (1989/never); Blank Spaces (2006)
  36. “Terminal Headache” in Media Empire #4 (c1989)
  37. “Sketches of memory” in Chaos (1989/never); Dark Windows #21 (7/08);


  1. “In the Hole and Not Alone” in Beyond #19 (1990)
  2. “The Pain of Completeness” in Stellanova v4#5 (10/90); Dark Windows #36-37 (3/09)
  3. “What Angry Children Say” in Doppelganger #12 (10/90); Alexandria Digital Lit (2/99)
  4. “After the Advancement” in Other Worlds #5 (1991?)
  5. “Long After Abraham” in Xizquil #4 (4/91); Alexandria Digital Lit (2/99)
  6. “Bricks” in Xizquil #5 (10/91); Blank Spaces (2006); (2/08);
  7. “Shadow River” in Xizquil #7 (2/92)
  8. “Beringia” in Xizquil #11 (1994); (12/01); Blank Spaces (2006)
  9. “Into the Lens” in Winter Raven (1994/never)
  10. “Year of the Fly” in Mindsparks (1995/never); Blank Spaces (2006)
  11. “The Sign” in Planet #7 (9/95); Year of the Twist (6/01); Read it here
  12. “The Crossing” in Museweek (web, 10/95); (12/02)
  13. “Stargazers” in Contes per a extraterrestres (web, Spain, 11/95); (web, 2/01); (11/02); Read it here
  14. “Another Emergency” in Circuit Traces (12/95); Blank Spaces (2006)
  15. “Ms. North, a Case Study” in Marbles (web, 4/96); (11/02); Dark Windows #35 (2/09); Read it here
  16. “In Sendikar” in Museweek (10/96)
  17. “The Claim Pusher” in Museweek (10/96)
  18. “Two Guys in a Room with No Color” in Museweek (10/96)
  19. “Coral Morning Blue” in 5th Story Review (1997/never)
  20. “Interfering Angels” in Zipzap #3 (web, 1997); (Sep 2003); Read it here
  21. “Point of Exile” in Talespinner’s Tavern (web, 1997); Dark Windows #13-14 (3/08);
  22. “Last of the Soft Things” in Analog (1/97); (2/08); Blank Spaces (2006)
  23. “Steamroller” in Not One of Us (9/97)
  24. “Stone Maiden” in Alphadrive #1 (1998); Blank Spaces (2006);
  25. “Between” in XOddity v1#2 (3/98); Blank Spaces (2006)
  26. “Maybe they were Symptoms” in Sepulchre v1#3 (spr 98); Dark Windows #11+12 (2/08)
  27. “Tuesday Came Apart” in Maelstrom v1#3 (3/98); (2/08);
  28. “Another Inferno” in Not One of Us #22 (1999); (9/03); Blank Spaces (2006); Dark Windows #33-34 (1/09)
  29. “Victim: Tony K—” in FlashShot #103 (c1999); Flash Shot: Year One (2005);
  30. “Web Fingers” in Planet #22 (web, 6/99); Dark Windows #1 (8/07); Read it here
  31. “Homeward Found” in Cafe Irreal #2 (web, 8/99); Dark Windows #3 (9/07); Read it here


  1. “Baumann’s Hands” in FlashShot #115 (c2000); Flash Shot: Year One (2005); Unfuture Chronicle (11/05); Dark Windows #6 (11/07); Read it here
  2. “White Forest – A Y2K Tale” in Fantasy, Fairytales & Folklore (web, 1/00); Blank Spaces (2006)
  3. “The Affix” in Eotu online (7/00); Dark Windows #2 (9/07);
  4. “Another Blank Space” in Eotu (web, 12/00); Blank Spaces (2006)
  5. “Bodyworld” in Ideomancer (web, 12/00); Blank Spaces (2006)
  6. “Soul of Su-Malja” in The Peddler and the Cloud (antho) (12/00)
  7. “The Emerald View” in Writers Hood “Write a Picture Contest” winner (web, 12/00); (8/07); Blank Spaces (2006);
  8. “The Jealous Ground” in Eotu (web, 2/01)
  9. “Cinema Jones” in Steel Caves v2#4 (3/01); Blank Spaces (2006)
  10. “Museum of the Burned” in Gotta Write “Midnight Selections” (4/01)
  11. “Telescope Eye” in Expressions nl (4/01); Unfuture Chronicle (12/05); Read it here
  12. “The Radiations at Home” in Planet Relish #18 (4/01); Blank Spaces (2006)
  13. “Aunt Emma Paper” in MuseIt (6/01,never)
  14. “The Soup Trick” in Planet Relish #20 (July 2001); (9/03); Read it here
  15. “Hill Street Dream” in Electric Dreams v4#5 (5/97 – never); Opaque Delusions (1999/never); Cafe Irreal (8/01); Dark Windows #9+10 (1/08); Read it here
  16. “Jupiter Song” in EOTU Online (Aug 2001); Dark Windows #4 (10/07)
  17. “Flea Market” in Museweek (10/95); Expressions NL (10/01); (9/03); Unfuture Chronicle (11/05); Read it here
  18. “The Short-Lived LISA Affair” in Writers Hood contest (Oct 2001)
  19. “Worros” in Malefica (2002,never); Dark Windows #16+17 (4/08)
  20. “dead guy blues” in Absinthe, by Aurealia Nelson (2002); Unfuture Chronicle (11/05); Read it here
  21. “face factory” in Absinthe, by Aurealia Nelson (2002); Read it here
  22. “in the blackout” in Absinthe, by Aurealia Nelson (2002)
  23. “mallflowers” in Absinthe, by Aurealia Nelson (2002)
  24. “the fade-out” in Absinthe, by Aurealia Nelson (2002)
  25. “Elixir” in Black Satellite #2 (spr 2002); Blank Spaces (2006); Dark Windows #25-7 (9/08);
  26. “Pest Problem” in Elysian Fiction #2 (May 02); Blank Spaces (2006)
  27. “Parry Well, Young Men” in FlashShot #254 (6/26/03); Flash Shot: Year One (2005);
  28. “Touch of Midnight” in FlashShot #245 (6/14/03); Flash Shot: Year One (2005)(as “Guess who”); AuthorsDen (audio – 2005)
  29. “Amadeus Outrage” in Twisted Twins 365 project (2005/NEVER)
  30. “Crime of the Hour” in Twisted Twins 365 project (2005/NEVER)
  31. “WheatFall” in Dreams & Nightmares #71 (2005)
  32. “The Battle of Charlie’s Field” in FlashShot #958 (Jun 05); Unfuture Chronicle (11/05); Read it here
  33. “Interlude, with Nails” in Unfuture Chronicle (11/05); Dark Windows #28 (10/08); Read it here
  34. “Chambers on Io” in Martian Wave (Jul 05), Wondrous Web Worlds 6 (2006)
  35. “The Impossible Tome” in FlashShot #967 (Jul 05); Dark Windows #10 (1/08)
  36. “Whackety Whack” in FlashShot #982 (Aug 05)
  37. “Lost at Seahouse” in Late Late Show (2006)
  38. “Momentary Traitor” in Blank Spaces (2006);
  39. “Transfiguration (w Terrie Relf)” in Nocturnal Ooze (c2006)
  40. “One Mistake at a Time” in Amazon Shorts (2/06)
  41. “The Goblin Saint” in Amazon Shorts (2/06)
  42. “Data Dust” in Fifth Di… (03/06)
  43. “Fluency” in Sage of Consciousness #4 (2006)
  44. “Moondust” in AuthorsDen audio (8/06); Blank Spaces (2006)
  45. “Radio Disconnect” in FlashShot (8/19/06)
  46. “The Killer Sandwich” in Twisted Twins 365 project (2006/NEVER); AuthorsDen (8/06)
  47. “Harrod Runs his Mouth” in Burst (Summer 07); FlashShot (9/21/06)
  48. “Other Monsters” in FlashShot (10/1/06)
  49. “Jimmy the Box” in Analog (Jul/Aug 07)
  50. “Old Emmett’s Grave” in Postcards from … (Jan 2008)
  51. “Lugosi Rock” in Postcards from … (3/08)
  52. “Quake Man” in Swimming Kangaroo newsletter (3/09); Swimming Kangaroo Press downloads (9/07)
  53. “To All Sister Capsules” in NATURE (Jun 4, 2009)
  54. “P6 is Burning” in Book of Tentacles (Dec 09)


  1. “Alien Flop” in Infinite Horizons #2 p35 (5/11)
  2. “The First & Final Day” in Mother Goose is Dead (antho, 11/11)
  3. “Newton’s Window” in Martian Wave (2012)
  4. “The Red Rock Arrives” in Beyond Centauri (Apr 2012)
  5. “Rattitude” in Aiofe’s Kiss (2013)
  6. “Caress of Stone” in Bards & sages (Jan 2013)
  7. “Baby Cubed” in Space Bar anthology (2014)
  8. “Far From Freezing” in Martian Wave (2014)
  9. “Mzuzu’s Bus” in Drabbler (2014)


  1. “A Boiling Day” (w Denise Dumars) acc by Simultaneous Times podcast (6/2024) – Listen to Episode 76 here
  2. “The Chicken Dilemmas” accepted for Flash Digest #4 (Jan 2025)
  3. “Into the Aura” accepted for Drabbun #3 (2024)

Notes: I include ones that were accepted but never published, because they had gone through the process of editorial selection. That’s a bit cheaty, but I try to keep thorough notes, and some like New Blood, would have been reasonably important sales … and I marked them with strikethrough to give a showing of how hit-or-miss the zine markets could be. Sometimes I just didn’t get the mail or contrib copy. Some of the ones marked never published here, I swear I saw the issues in one of the boxes in my closets a while ago.

Listings in italics show my own collections and blogs. I include those so you can see where to find those pieces. When you write only short stuff, you do need to be able to build your own collections so you have something to show/sell at events.

Listings in bold are the better pro magazines and anthologies.