Guest Appearances

To round off all my “other” credits, here are the conventions and other events where I was billed as a guest. I would typically do 2-3 panels and a reading, and volunteered to fill in for almost anyone who couldn’t make it to their scheduled events, so I had some odd improv situations. I was on panels (sometimes as moderator) with folks like Kevin J. Anderson, Jack Williamson, Robert Bloch, Stephen R. Donaldson, Walter Jon Williams, Jefferson Swycaffer, more. You find lifelong friends at these cons, and it was nice seeing them again a year or two later.

  • 8/87 Guest at BUBONICON 19, Albuquerque NM
  • 8/88 Guest at 1st SPWAO CONFERENCE, Albuquerque NM
  • 8/88 Guest at BUBONICON 20, Albuquerque NM
  • 8/89 Guest at BUBONICON 21, Albuquerque NM
  • 10/89 Guest at MILEHICON 21, Denver CO
  • 4/91 Guest at GILACON*, WNMU, Silver City NM
  • 5/91 Guest at CONGO, Denver CO
  • 10/92 Guest at MILEHICON 24, Denver CO
  • 9/94 Gave seminar at SAN DIEGO COMPUTER FAIR, San Diego CA: “Shareware: Or Software That’s ALMOST Free”
  • 10/94 Guest at MILEHICON 26, Denver CO
  • 1990s-2000s some more appearances at SoCal cons: ConJecture, ConDor, etc
  • 9/03 Guest at COPPERCON 23, Phoenix AZ
  • 5/05 Guest at LEPRECON 31, Phoenix AZ
  • 5/12 Poetry guest of honor at H.P.Lovecraft Film Festival & CthulhuCon, San Pedro CA

*GilaCon was a different kind of event. It was a week-long summer writing seminar at Western New Mexico University in the hills of Silver City NM. It was created and organized by Uncle River, and my roommate at the dorm was Walter Jon Williams.