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- “Through San Clemente” in Typo #52 (4/00); Journey Through Words (web, 2001)
- “Candlewood Lake” in Earth Realms Antho (2001)
- “Night Wind” in Earth Realms Antho (2001); AuthorsDen (12/02); Dark Windows #14 (3/08);
- “Ocean Stare” in Earth Realms (antho, 2001)
- “7:01” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “bay window blues” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “bedbug boogie” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “behind the door mouse” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “butt, the witness said …” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “cellpaper” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “citrus fruit fugue” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “closet fest” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “ferment in the fridge” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “frisky things” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “mustang on blocks” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “philsophical bear” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “sinister gasoline” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “sock sacrifice” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “the crisper” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “whiff of dinner” in The Other Secret House (2001)
- “Drawing Trees” in My Kitchen Table (2001)
- “Rough Outline” in My Kitchen Table (2001)
- “Writing” in My Kitchen Table (2001)
- “eon one” in Thorns of Nature (antho, 2001); (9/03); authorsDen (12/05);
- “Nemveti evening” in Dreams & Nightmares #58 (1/01)
- “barium” in Periodic Table of Haiku (2/01)
- “bismuth” in Periodic Table of Haiku (2/01)
- “gallium” in Periodic Table of Haiku (2/01)
- “phosphorus” in Periodic Table of Haiku (2/01)
- “technetium” in Periodic Table of Haiku (2/01)
- “ununnilium” in Periodic Table of Haiku (2/01)
- “drawing the strings” in Writing Tree (2/01), (12/01)
- “The Inside Story” in Poet’s Corner (web, 2/01); Dark Windows #14 (3/08);
- “the spirit of looking back” in Writing Tree (2/01), (12/01); Dark Windows #32 (12/08);
- “A Crystal Sea” in Stellanova v1#6 (8/88); Expressions NL (3/01); Dark Windows #22 (7/08);
- “future memories” in Planet #29 (3/01)
- “In a Locked Place” in Expressions NL (3/01); Dark Windows #20 (6/08);
- “instant replay” in Ascent (spring 2001); Panda #7 (UK)(July 01)
- “Nowhere Near Dallas” in Ascent (spring 2001)
- “Upon Reflection” in Expressions NL (3/01); Dark Windows #21 (7/08);
- “High desert neverlife” in From Desert Plains (4/01)
- “the sustainer” in From Desert Plains (4/01); Dark Windows #37 (3/09);
- “Our Chessboard” in Sidewalk’s End (May 01)
- “untrusting eye” in Star*Line 24.3 (5/01)
- “any meaning at all” in (web, 6/01); Peripheral Visions (2007);
- “burned by always looking back” in Lucid Moon (6/01); Dark Windows #32 (12/08);
- “clay family day” in
MuseIt (6/2001)(never)
- “While the Biologist Slept” in Year of the Twist (6/01)
- “CPU” in Expressions Newsletter (7/01)
- “Phantoms” in The Ultimate Hallucination (7/01); Dark Windows #16 (4/08);
- “re-entry” in Expressions Newsletter (7/01)
- “Scratch Pad” in The Ultimate Hallucination (7/01); Dark Windows #18 (5/08);
- “steal a day” in Panda #7 (UK) (July 01)
- “Compound, I” in The Fifth Di… (8/01); Dark Windows #20 (6/08);
- “metabirds” in E-genre Weekly (8/24/01); insomnia f/x (8/01)
- “plague” in E-genre Weekly (8/24/01)
- “Attention Span” in Sidewalk’s End (9/01)
- “Boston MA” in Typo magazine #69 (Sep 01)
- “Constellation” in The Martian Wave (9/01); Wondrous Web Worlds #2 (antho, 2002)
- “shipment to nowhere” in Planet #31 (9/01); Sundown Lounge podcast #100 (6/07);
- “the 10th life” in Spellbound (Fall 2001)
- “trails in the mud” in Dreams & Nightmares #60 (9/01)
- “Crashing” in Expressions NL (10/01); Dark Windows #18 (5/08);
- “Haunted feeling” in The Fifth Di… (10/01); Dark Windows #27 (10/08);
- “the hole” in Expressions NL (10/01)
- “Baumann’s Hands” in (12/01)
- “damn the night before” in Absinthe, by Aurealia Nelson (12/01); Peripheral Visions (2007);
- “Deeper Seeking” in (12/01)
- “Info_Nowhere” in (12/01); Afterlife 9 (2006);
- “string theory” in Star*Line 24.6 (Dec 2001)
- “word magnets” in (12.01)
- “absinthe: invocation” in Absinthe, by Aurealia Nelson (2002)
- “Bridge of Death” in Absinthe, by Aurealia Nelson (2002)
- “commuter cheese” in Story House (coffee label) (2002)
- “evening chains (w Aurealia Nelson)” in Absinthe, by Aurealia Nelson (2002)
- “Motion” in Absinthe, by Aurealia Nelson (2002)
- “myths wearing thin” in Absinthe, by Aurealia Nelson (2002); Unfuture Chronicle (12/05);
- “smiling sands” in Absinthe, by Aurealia Nelson (2002)
- “speechless” in Absinthe, by Aurealia Nelson (2002)
- “red fox flight” in (01/02)
- “beyond houdini” in Champagne Shivers #1 (2/02)
- “Serengeti snack” in Eotu (2/02)
- “Silbury Plain” in Planet #33 (3/02)
- “Alone on Kalimai (w Cathy Buburuz)” in Fifth Di… (April 2002)
- “bases are loaded” in KatBox #8: Setting Worlds (4/02)
- “blown away” in KatBox #8: Setting Worlds (4/02)
- “chop chop” in Scavenger’s Newsletter #218 (4/02); Unfuture Chronicle (12/05);
- “distant cumulus” in KatBox #8: Setting Worlds (4/02)
- “going through channels” in Gotta Write “Midnight Selections” 4/02; AuthorsDen (12/05);
- “guarding cross” in KatBox #8: Setting Worlds (4/02)
- “incidental guy” in Not One of Us #27 (4/02)
- “iron sun” in KatBox #8: Setting Worlds (4/02)
- “koosh bird blues” in KatBox #8: Setting Worlds (4/02)
- “maybe legend” in Wandering Troll (4/02)
- “setting worlds” in KatBox #8: Setting Worlds (4/02)
- “skyfall” in Rogue Worlds (4/02); Sundown Lounge podcast #96 (5/07); Dark Metre #16 (11/12);
- “stress diet” in KatBox #8: Setting Worlds (4/02); Unfuture Chronicle (12/05);
- “Convolve” in ProMartian (5/02)
- “dreams for sale” in Fifth Di… (5/02); Peripheral Visions (2007);
- “J.K.Void” in Fifth Di… (5/02); Peripheral Visions (2007);
- “stonespeak” in Fifth Di… (5/02)
- “2am: last fall” in Aoife’s Kiss #1 (6/02)
- “shadographs” in Aoife’s Kiss (6/02)
- “face like an old Dylan song” in writers hood (7/02); Dark Windows #30 (11/08);
- “the Striving” in Other Dimension (7/02)
- “phonebook freaks” in San Diego Writers Monthly (8/02); Unfuture Chronicles (12/05);
- “The Drying Time” in Star*Line 25.4 (8/02)
- “All those toys” in Aoife’s Kiss #2 (09/02); Dark Windows #4 (10/07); WritersCafe (2/08);
- “The pulse” in Space & Time #96 (Fall 02)
- “Avalla” in Illumen (10/08)
- “Dark Erlandia” in Chiarascouro (10/02)
- “bridges” in (11/02)
- “midnight, route 78” in (11/02); Dark Windows #31 (12/08);
- “the gardener waits” in Panda #7 (UK) (7/01); (11/02); Dark Windows #32 (12/08);
- “stream dream” in AuthorsDen (12/02)
- “Kim 4-B” in Mirrors in Flame (antho, 2003)
- “a final rain” in Expressions Newsletter (1/03); (9/03);
- “almost a way out” in Expressions Newsletter (1/03); AuthorsDen (9/03);
- “one touch of Venus” in Dreams & Nightmares 64 (1/03)
- “pipeline dreams” in Star*Line (1/2003)
- “sketchbook” in Sidewalk’s End (1/03)
- “stick things” in Expressions Newsletter (01/03); Unfuture Chronicle (11/05);
- “wishful style” in Expressions Newsletter (01/03); AuthorsDen (9/03);
- “the modern miser” in
Spellbound (sum 03 – nope, never); Beyond Centauri (10/05);
- “imaginings at midnight” (w Cathy Buburuz) in Beyond Centauri #1 (July 2003)
- “rune” in The Fifth Di… (8/03)
- “rolling out” in (9/03)
- “totem pole” in October Rush (antho, 9/03)
- “My slick little moon” in Martian Wave (Oct 2003)
- “seductress” in Dark Krypt (Oct/Nov 2003)
- “Sulfur trails” in Martian Wave (Jan 2004), Wondrous Web Worlds 5 (antho, 2005)
- “final cutoff” in Dark Krypt (May/Jun 2004)
- “speed demon” in Dark Krypt (May/Jun 2004)
- “swirling eyes” in Not one of Us (1/08)
- “Wheat Fall” in Dreams and Nightmares #71 (2005)
- “turn up the heat” in Star*Line (July 2005)
- “celestial highway” in Astropoetica (fall 05)
- “stolen bang” in Mag of Speculative Poetry (Fall 05)
- “fairytale lovers lose their way” in Moonlit Path (Fall 05)
- “Broken afternoon” in Unfuture Chronicle (11/05)
- “puppet hour” in Unfuture Chronicle (11/05)
- “book of years” in FireWeed (12/05)
- “knowing the poet” in AuthorsDen (12/05)
- “49er” in Esperance, the Legacy of James B Baker (Sep 2006)
- “alien minister” in Appalling Limericks (2006)
- “clawfoot tub” in Tapestry (2006/never)
- “dry run on Broadway” in Afterlife 9 (2006)
- “Empty troubled place” in Afterlife 9 (2006); Dark Windows #3 (9/07);
- “familiar face” in Afterlife 9 (2006)
- “Frightened, act one” in Afterlife 9 (2006)
- “Frightened, act two” in Afterlife 9 (2006)
- “Heads, We Win” in Champagne Shivers (2006)
- “ice queen” in Appalling Limericks (2006)
- “Mary Driver” in Champagne Shivers (2006)
- “the Heaven Gazette” in Afterlife 9 (2006)
- “the next place” in Afterlife 9 (2006)
- “too many heartbeats” in Afterlife 9 (2006)
- “voicebreaking” in Afterlife 9 (2006)
- “what is Alone?” in Afterlife 9 (2006)
- “Reading the soup” in Unfuture Chronicle (1/06); Dark Windows #26 (9/08);
- “time the illusion” in Abyss & Apex #17 (1/06)
- “drunk with life (w Terrie Relf)” in Bondage antho (Samsdot) (2/06)
- “xenia vision” in Tales of the Moonlit Path (2/06)
- “High Jump Willie” in Planet (3/06)
- “stonescape” in Amaze (v4n2, Spr 06)
- “boundaries” in TeenAge (12/08); Beyond Centauri (4/06)
- “first tree on the moon” in The Martian Wave (04/06); Wondrous Web Worlds 7 (antho, 2007)
- “Kara’s jungle” in Abyss & Apex #18 (4/06)
- “for the dogs” in TeenAge (2/09); Beyond Centauri (7/06)
- “overshadowed” in SciFiKuest (Aug 2006 print); AuthorsDen audio (8/06)
- “tampering with time” in SciFiKuest (Aug 2006 print)
- “Adam Inquisitive” in Ideomancer v5 #3 (Sep 2006)
- “black box blues” in Illumen (Autumn 2006)
- “Lowgrav litter” in Illumen (Autumn 2006)
- “A still life” in Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “broken beginnings” in Dark Windows #1 (8/07); Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “distilled spirit” in Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “NYSE blue” in Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “parking destructure” in Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “shards” in Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “Silent Path” in Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “stood stones” in Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “the 41st day” in Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “the bump” in Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “the concrete man” in Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “The Fire Witch” in Peripheral Visions (2007); Dark Windows #10 (1/08);
- “upside downer” in Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “volcanic yellow” in Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “Workaway” in Peripheral Visions (2007)
- “Cougar Village” in Improbable Jane (2007)
- “if it only had a clue” in NL (7/01)
- “the egg thing” in NL (7/01)
- “beyond key” in Between Kisses (2/07)
- “dark salvage” in Sundown Lounge podcast #97 (5/07)
- “art of fishing” in Amaze (Sum 07)
- “Dream Speak” in Dark Windows #1 (8/07)
- “how to tie the tie?” in Hahaku (Aug 2007)
- “Apartment 607” in Dark Windows #2 (9/07)
- “At Ripley’s” in Helix #6 (Sep 07)
- “Dictionary wars” in Expressions NL (9/07)
- “Her wrath” in Dark Windows #2 (9/07)
- “Nerves” in Dark Windows #3 (9/07)
- “pill for almost anything” in The Verb (9/07)
- “The Last Artist” in Dark Windows #2 (9/07)
- “a deep silence” in Dark Windows #4 (10/07)
- “Forgiveness” in Dark Windows #7 (11/07)
- “Hints of Beyond” in Dark Windows #6 (11/07)
- “Maze Curtains” in Dark Windows #6 (11/07)
- “My Town” in Dark Windows #7 (11/07)
- “Floating Tree” in Dark Windows #8 (12/07)
- “icicle grey eyes” in The Shantytown Anomaly #6 (12/07)
- “futurecar” in Sword Review (12/07)
- “funeral for a car” in Dark Windows #10 (1/08)
- “The Network, Act II” in Dark Windows #9 (1/08)
- “Under my Bed” in Dark Windows #11 (1/08)
- “In Days of Trance” in Dark Windows #12 (2/08)
- “Not One of Us” in Dark Windows #12 (2/08)
- “nightbeat” in ShadowPoetry Quill (Spr 2008)
- “Racing” in Dark Windows #13 (3/08)
- “Seeing Matter” in Dark Windows #13 (3/08)
- “up and up” in ShadowPoetry Quill (Spr 2008)
- “Passages” in Dark Windows #15 (4/08)
- “surgery for dummies” in Black Ink (4/08)
- “Insomnia, Act 4” in Dark Windows #17 (5/08)
- “Shifting a Burden” in Dark Windows #18 (5/08)
- “Sign Language” in Dark Windows #17 (5/08)
- “Memorex” in Dark Windows #19 (6/08)
- “Taking Apart the City” in Dark Windows #20 (6/08)
- “what the spirits taught us” in Tales of the Talisman (6/08)
- “A Mark of Darkness” in Dark Windows #22 (7/08)
- “Watermind” in Dark Windows #21 (7/08)
- “cold methane mornings” in Scifaikuest (Aug 08 print)
- “crushed and corroded” in Scifaikuest (Aug 08 web)
- “Death of a Wax Building” in Dark Windows #23 (8/08)
- “Nighted” in Dark Windows #24 (8/08)
- “realization” in Dark Windows #23 (8/08)
- “Smooth Shadows” in Dark Windows #23 (8/08)
- “Splash Pollenation” in Dark Windows #24 (8/08)
- “Thunderhand” in Dark Windows #24 (8/08)
- “And Air Full of Mistakes” in Dark Windows #26 (9/08)
- “Chemical Dust” in Dark Windows #25 (9/08)
- “Street #412” in Dark Windows #25 (9/08)
- “Introvert” in Dark Windows #28 (10/08)
- “mind seeds seize the day” in Dark Windows #28 (10/08)
- “Old Mr. Cyberpunk” in Illumen (10/08)
- “The careful smith” in Dark Windows #28 (10/08)
- “Atonements” in Dark Windows #30 (11/08)
- “Desert exchange” in Dark Windows #29 (11/08)
- “my empty river” in Dark Windows #29 (11/08)
- “She Smells Like Time” in Dark Windows #30 (11/08)
- “message from a bottle” in Fifth Di… (12/08)
- “tagged, you’re it” in Dark Windows #31 (12/08)
- “the interview” in Dark Windows #31 (12/08)
- “only a drop” in Infradead (2009)
- “Tangled up in true” in Space & Time #104 (2009)
- “Nothing Left to Give” in Dark Windows #33 (1/09)
- “sunrise blues” in Amaze #16 (Jan 2009)
- “Twist of Fate” in Dark Windows #34 (1/09)
- “Black Market Station” in Dark Windows #36 (2/09)
- “Thief of Music” in Dark Windows #35 (2/09)
- “too much time” in Dark Windows #36 (2/09)
- “Water Dream” in Dark Windows #35 (2/09)
- “What is Lost Sleeping” in Dark Windows #35 (2/09)
- “after the crash” in Dark Windows #38 (3/09)
- “All Go Down Together” in Dark Windows #38 (3/09)
- “entropy layer” in Illumen (Spr 09)
- “getting out” in Dark Windows #38 (3/09)
- “Nature, Spoiled Child” in Dark Windows #37 (3/09)
- “pier one” in PoetsContestCorner (contest runner-up, 3/09)
- “Space, 1990” in Dark Windows #37 (3/09)
- “The contraption” in Fifth Di… (3/09)
- “the endgame sky” in Aiofe’s Kiss (3/09)
- “A Green Peace” in Dark Windows #39 (4/09)
- “Coldest Place” in Dark Windows #40 (4/09)
- “DNA Latté” in Shelter of Daylight (Apr 09)
- “Eleventh Day of Trying” in Dark Windows #40 (4/09)
- “Facing the Hills” in Dark Windows #40 (4/09)
- “tough market” in Dark Windows #39 (4/09)
- “what was Gone when you saw it” in Dark Windows #39 (4/09)
- “dream engine” in Cover of Darkness (May 2009)