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Scott Virtes: Fiction Credits
Sorted by the year that the stories were originally written.
  •  1. "Title"  in Published
  •  2. "The Sign"  in my Year of the Twist (6/01); Planet #7 (9/95)
  •  3. "A Touch of Blasphemy"  in my Year of the Twist (6/01); Nightmare Express #6 (8/87)
  •  4. "Green Eyes"  in my Unfuture blog (11/05); Year of the Twist (6/01); 1130 Club #4/5 (12/86)
  •  5. "In Sendikar"  in Museweek (10/96)
  •  6. "Sandoth, Teller of Secrets"  in Year of the Twist (6/01); Writers Bloc v4#4? (6/87)
  •  7. "Astral Sails"  in Black Satellite #1 (3/02); my Year of the Twist (6/01); Z Misc v1#2 (5/87)
  •  8. "The White City"  in my Year of the Twist (6/01); Horizons Beyond (c1988?)
  •  9. "Stone Maiden"  in Blank Spaces (2006); Alphadrive #1 (1998)
  •  10. "One of Everything"  in my Year of the Twist (6/01); Panoply (never)
  •  11. "And the City Cried"  in my Year of the Twist (6/01)
  •  12. "Blank Space"  in Blank Spaces (2006); Space & Time #76 (2/89)
  •  13. "Elixir"  in Dark Windows #25-7 (9/08); Blank Spaces (2006); Black Satellite #2 (spr 2002)
  •  14. "Writers Games"  in my Year of the Twist (6/01); Ouroboros #8 (10/87); Alexandria Digital Lit (2/99)
  •  15. "Rash Motivation"  in my Year of the Twist (6/01); Dark Starr (8/87)
  •  16. "Terminal Headache"  in Media Empire #4 ?
  •  17. "The Twist"  in Dark Windows #23-24 (8/08); Year of the Twist (6/01); Not One of Us #1 (9/86); Alexandria Digital Lit (2/99)
  •  18. "My Vengeance Game"  in New Blood (never)
  •  19. "Squirrel #117"  in my Year of the Twist (6/01); Portents #2 (1/87)
  •  20. "The Box Thing"  in Dark Windows #22 (7/08); Chaos (never)
  •  21. "Headlines"  in Blank Spaces (2006)
  •  22. "The Lawsuit"  in Green Feather (10/87) ?
  •  23. "The Broken Guitar"  in Dark Starr 6/88 (not used)
  •  24. "The Twisted Will"  in Writers Bloc v4#2 (1/87)
  •  25. "The Devil Test"  in The Haunted Journal (10/87) ?
  •  26. "A Quick Cure for Lycanthropy"  in Doom & Despair (never)
  •  27. "Patient Music"  in Dark Windows #20 (6/08); Year of the Twist (6/01); Dark Starr (12/86); writing.com (12/01)
  •  28. "Sketches of memory"  in Dark Windows #21 (7/08); Chaos (never)
  •  29. "Conifer Dreams"  in Z Misc (11/87)
  •  30. "The Truth About Blisters"  in G.A.S. #2 (1/87)
  •  31. "Sleepwalking"  in writing.com (1/02); The Haunted Journal (4/87) ?
  •  32. "Johnny's Thunder"  in Portents #6 (5/88); Museweek (web, 10/95); Alexandria Digital Lit (2/99)
  •  33. "Consumption"  in Dark Windows #15 (4/08); Hungur (2006); Year of the Twist (6/01); house-of-pain.com (web, 2/01); New Penny Dreadfuls #1 (11/88)
  •  34. "Maze Curtains"  in Dark Windows #18+19 (5/08); Year of the Twist (6/01); Eotu (4/88)
  •  35. "Between"  in Blank Spaces (2006); XOddity v1#2 (3/98)
  •  36. "The Claim Pusher"  in Museweek (10/96)
  •  37. "Worros"  in Dark Windows #16+17 (4/08); Malefica (2002,never)
  •  38. "The Voyager"  in Other Worlds #1 (2/88); Alexandria Digital Lit (2/99)
  •  39. "In the Hole and Not Alone"  in Beyond #19 (1990)
  •  40. "This Piece of Wind"  in Blank Spaces (2006); Weird Fiction Catalog #2 (c1988 never?); writing.com (12/01)
  •  41. "Another Blank Space"  in Blank Spaces (2006); Eotu (web, 12/00)
  •  42. "Against a Flaming Horizon"  in Blank Spaces (2006)
  •  43. "The Crossing"  in writing.com (12/02); Museweek (web, 10/95)
  •  44. "After the Advancement"  in Other Worlds #5
  •  45. "the Cameraman"  in Bone Chilling Tales #2 (1989) ?
  •  46. "Vegetaria"  in Dark Starr (8/88)
  •  47. "What Angry Children Say"  in Doppelganger #12 (10/90); Alexandria Digital Lit (2/99)
  •  48. "A Glimpse of the Abyss"  in Dark Windows #40 (4/09); Night Slivers #2 (4/89)
  •  49. "Telescope Eye"  in my Unfuture blog (12/05); Expressions nl (4/01)
  •  50. "No one at the Bridge"  in Blank Spaces (2006); Speculative Fiction & Beyond (never)
  •  51. "Log Cabin"  in Starsong #8 (7/89)
  •  52. "Bog Man"  in Dark Windows #38-39 (4/09)
  •  53. "Desert Man"  in Dark Windows #29-30 (11/08)
  •  54. "Another Emergency"  in Blank Spaces (2006); Circuit Traces (12/95)
  •  55. "Momentary Traitor"  in Blank Spaces (2006)
  •  56. "The Pain of Completeness"  in Dark Windows #36-37 (3/09); Stellanova v4#5 (10/90)
  •  57. "Caress of Stone"  in Bards & sages (Jan 2013)
  •  58. "Long After Abraham"  in Xizquil #4 (4/91); Alexandria Digital Lit (2/99)
  •  59. "Bricks"  in AnthologyBuilder.com (2/08); Blank Spaces (2006); Xizquil #5 (10/91)
  •  60. "Bodyworld"  in Blank Spaces (2006); Ideomancer (web, 12/00)
  •  61. "Interlude, with Nails"  in Dark Windows #28 (10/08); my Unfuture blog (11/05)
  •  62. "Ms. North, a Case Study"  in Dark Windows #35 (2/09);authorsDen.com (11/02); Marbles (web, 4/96)
  •  63. "Hill Street Dream"  in Dark Windows #9+10 (1/08); Cafe Irreal (8/01); Opaque Delusions (1999 - never); Electric Dreams v4#5 (5/97 - no, never)
  •  64. "Shadow River"  in Xizquil #7 (2/92)
  •  65. "Stargazers"  in AuthorsDen.com (11/02); Contes per a extraterrestres (web, Spain, 11/95); writingTree.com (web, 2/01)
  •  66. "The Radiations at Home"  in Blank Spaces (2006); Planet Relish #18 (4/01)
  •  67. "The Affix"  in Dark Windows #2 (9/07); Eotu online (7/00)
  •  68. "Point of Exile"  in Dark Windows #13-14 (3/08); Talespinner's Tavern (web, 1997)
  •  69. "For a Wooden Heart"  in Dark Windows #7+8 (12/07)
  •  70. "Beringia"  in Blank Spaces (2006); Xizquil #11 (1994); writing.com (12/01)
  •  71. "The Wind & Roses File"  in Blank Spaces (2006)
  •  72. "Maybe they were Symptoms"  in Dark Windows #11+12 (2/08); Sepulchre v1#3 (spr 98)
  •  73. "Into the Lens"  in Winter Raven (never)
  •  74. "Last of the Soft Things"  in AnthologyBuilder.com (2/08); Blank Spaces (2006); Analog (1/97)
  •  75. "Tuesday Came Apart"  in AnthologyBuilder.com (2/08); Maelstrom v1#3 (3/98)
  •  76. "Interfering Angels"  in AuthorsDen.com (Sep 2003), Zipzap #3 (web, 1997)
  •  77. "The Jealous Ground"  in Eotu (web, 2/01)
  •  78. "Year of the Fly"  in Blank Spaces (2006); Mindsparks (never)
  •  79. "Sailing the Microview"  in Blank Spaces (2006)
  •  80. "Another Inferno"  in Dark Windows #33-34 (1/09); Blank Spaces (2006); writing.com (9/03); Not One of Us #22 (1999)
  •  81. "Two Guys in a Room with No Color"  in Museweek (10/96)
  •  82. "Soul of Su-Malja"  in *The Peddler and the Cloud (antho) (12/00)
  •  83. "Flea Market"  in my Unfuture blog (11/05); writing.com (9/03); Expressions NL (10/01); Museweek (10/95)
  •  84. "Lost at Seahouse"  in Late Late Show (2006)
  •  85. "Coral Morning Blue"  in 5th Story Review (never)
  •  86. "Weights"  in Not One of Us (9/97, part 1: Steamroller)
  •  87. "Web Fingers"  in Dark Windows #1 (8/07); Planet #22 (web, 6/99)
  •  88. "Cinema Jones"  in Blank Spaces (2006); Steel Caves v2#4 (3/01)
  •  89. "Moondust"  in Blank Spaces (2006); AuthorsDen audio (8/06)
  •  90. "The First & Final Day"  in Mother Goose is Dead (antho, 11/11)
  •  91. "Aunt Emma Paper"  in MuseIt (6/01,never)
  •  92. "The Crawl"  in film project
  •  93. "White Forest - A Y2K Tale"  in Blank Spaces (2006); Fantasy, Fairytales & Folklore (web, 1/00)
  •  94. "Homeward Found"  in Dark Windows #3 (9/07);Cafe Irreal #2 (web, 8/99)
  •  95. "Morph"  in Blank Spaces (2006)
  •  96. "The Soup Trick"  in AuthorsDen.com (9/03); Planet Relish #20 (July 2001)
  •  97. "Newton's Window"  in Martian Wave (2012)
  •  98. "Fluency"  in Sage of Consciousness #4 (2006)
  •  99. "The Emerald View"  in truefire.com (8/07); Blank Spaces (2006); Writers Hood Write a Picture Contest winner (web, 12/00)
  •  100. "Pest Problem"  in Blank Spaces (2006); Elysian Fiction #2 (May 02)
  •  101. "Museum of the Burned"  in Gotta Write Midnight Selections 4/01
  •  102. "A Fine Art of Cheating Death"  in Blank Spaces (2006)
  •  103. "Old Emmett's Grave"  in Postcards from ... (Jan 2008)
  •  104. "Whispering Sunken Stones"  in Dark Windows #5 (10/07)
  •  105. "Jupiter Song"  in Dark Windows #4 (10/07);EOTU Online (Aug 2001)
  •  106. "The Short-Lived LISA Affair"  in Writers Hood contest (Oct 2001)
  •  107. "Lugosi Rock"  in Postcards from ... (3/08)
  •  108. "in the blackout"  in Absinthe (2002)
  •  109. "face factory"  in Absinthe (2002)
  •  110. "the fade-out"  in Absinthe (2002)
  •  111. "mallflowers"  in Absinthe (2002)
  •  112. "dead guy blues"  in my Unfuture blog (11/05); Absinthe (2002)
  •  113. "Tech Support Blues"  in film project
  •  114. "Baby Cubed"  accepted by Space Bar anthology (2014)
  •  115. "The Goblin Saint"  in Amazon Shorts (2/06)
  •  116. "Data Dust"  in Fifth Di… (03/06)
  •  117. "WheatFall"  in Dreams & Nightmares #71
  •  118. "Baumann's Hands"  in Dark Windows #6 (11/07); my Unfuture blog (11/05); FlashShot #115
  •  119. "Victim: Tony K---"  in FlashShot #103
  •  120. "Parry Well Young Men"  in FlashShot #254 (6/26/03)
  •  121. "Amadeus Outrage"  in Twisted Twins 365 project (NEVER)
  •  122. "Touch of Midnight"  in AuthorsDen (audio - 2005); FlashShot #245 (6/14/03)
  •  123. "Radio Disconnect"  in FlashShot (8/19/06)
  •  124. "4th and Z"  in ActorsPlayground (audio - 2004)
  •  125. "Wailing Well"  in Dark Windows #9 (1/08)
  •  126. "Crime of the Hour"  in Twisted Twins 365 project (NEVER)
  •  127. "The Impossible Tome"  in Dark Windows #10 (1/08); FlashShot #967 (Jul 05)
  •  128. "Transfiguration (w Terrie Relf)"  in Nocturnal Ooze
  •  129. "Mr. Graves"  in film project
  •  130. "The Battle of Charlie's Field"  in my Unfuture blog (11/05); FlashShot #958 (Jun 05)
  •  131. "Whackety Whack"  in FlashShot #982 (Aug 05)
  •  132. "Chambers on Io"  in Martian Wave (Jul 05), Wondrous Web Worlds 6 (2006)
  •  133. "Quake Man"  in Swimming Kangaroo newsletter (3/09); Swimming Kangaroo Press downloads (9/07)
  •  134. "Alien Flop"  in Infinite Horizons #2 p35 (5/11)
  •  135. "Far From Freezing"  accepted by Martian Wave (2014)
  •  136. "One Mistake at a Time"  in Amazon Shorts (2/06)
  •  137. "The Killer Sandwich"  in Twisted Twins 365 project (NEVER); AuthorsDen (8/06)
  •  138. "Harrod Runs his Mouth"  in Burst (Summer 07); FlashShot (9/21/06)
  •  139. "Other Monsters"  in FlashShot (10/1/06)
  •  140. "Jimmy the Box"  in Analog (Jul/Aug 07)
  •  141. "P6 is Burning"  in Book of Tentacles (Dec 09)
  •  142. "To All Sister Capsules"  in NATURE (Jun 4, 2009)
  •  143. "Rattitude"  in Aiofe's Kiss (2013)
  •  144. "The Red Rock Arrives"  in Beyond Centauri (Apr 2012)
  •  145. "Mzuzu's Bus"  in Drabbler (2014)

  • Total stories: 145.
  • Total Words: 203692
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